When the sun shines or it rains - the exciting and the boring of my life.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Lalalalalalalalalalalalalal Closin 2010


Well 2010 was a lot about me finding myself. Going though two cars being in three car accidents. Work work and more work. The Store I work in was remodeled so I worked 21 days in a row at one point. I got reacquainted a friend. Went to Indiana to meet them flew home. She came out here to meet my family we got engaged and thats about where I am NOW.

Have Fun!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Someone has been hijacked... =D Isaiah's been so busy with work, but he's been wanting a new blog up, so I'm hijacking to post for him! ♥ Love you Honny! =D hehe... so yah... ummm what to post? This is actually about a 4day late hijack, but I'm sure I'll be forgiven!

He's pretty enamored with our lil' Swift! He absolutely loves her to death... I'm kinda jealous! ;) not really... but really he does! She is such a sweetheart you can't help but love her! I've noticed she misses him almost as much as I do when he's at work. Oh! and to see them when he gets off and he is thrilled to see her and her him, it just melts my heart! They are very very much alike... its kinda crazy! Then again, she is like me too... and me and him are clones... so I guess we are all perfect for each other!
He spoils her (and me) pretty bad tho... kinda worries me about having kids! ;) Nah... it makes me very excited to have kids... I've seen him with her and I know he'll be even moreso with his own lil' preciouses! =)

He is truly just the most amazing guy ever... I'm not even kidding! ♥ I could totally go on and on... but I'll spare you! ;) I'm just so happy to be back here and be able to be with him... well minus when he works and sleeps. lol. I think that since its nice out, I'll surprise him and we'll take Swift and go to his fave place and go for a walk... he loves doing that! =)

Ok... Think I've hijacked enough! ;) now leave him loads of comments so he wonders what the heck happened! LOL! He gets the comments to his phone and he doesn't get off for a while, so comment away! HEHE!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


 I was wanting to blog more but haven't really came up with anything. Seeing how my fiance is in  Indiana for a week I have been staying at my place in the city. Instead of at my parents so no pics of the animals :(.  I cant wait for Amanda to come home later this week so I can give her the present I got her. I am sure you guys will find out about it soon after I give it to her.
My favorate Platter to do been making a lot of them

I work as a Asst deli manager at a supermarket so this week is probably the busiest of the year. Brings a whole new meaning to the terms not knowing which way to turn and running around like a chicken with its head cut off. At least there are only two more days of it but those will be the two busiest yet. I cant lie I enjoy the excitement and the challenge. We have a mess load of platters to do so much so that someone is coming in a 3 30 am on christmas eve to start them

Have FUN!!!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Little Bunnies

The Bunnies

Earlier this week my lionhead rabbits had three bunnies. My lionheads are black although they do come in many other colors. Lionheads are a small rabbit that has long hair but not as long as a angoras hair, mine don't have hair as long as some lionheads. I am hoping that some of the bunnies will have longer hair and be a different color it looks like one of them might be gray.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Morning On The Farm

Footprints in the Fresh Snow

We woke up this morning with a light snow covering on the ground so I decided I would take the camera out when I did the morning chores. Even in the freezing cold there were signs of new life.
 I want mine taken too Suzie
One of the bunnies
Venturing out
I'm not going out even if I do have a hat on
Treasure food now ??
 Ok I came out
Fresh Produce YUM!!!!
Can We PLAY???
OH BOY!!!!!
Baby Lionhead Bunnies born last night
Stay Warm and HAVE FUN!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

FireFly The Queen Of The Herd


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Sister Milking Fly
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Such A Sweet Heart

 Ok I decided to post about one of my favorite things, my Lamancha doe FireFly and pictures of all the kids she has had. She is such a sweetheart with the sweetest personality. As you can probably see. She is due to have kids in the next few months. I cant wait.
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Tim Mcgraw

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Casey and Tinkerbell the day they were born

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 I got ya

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Nubian Buck Ellie May and Sarg's father

Elllie May
Notice the funny little Yodi ears on Sarge and Ellie May from the Lamancha Nubian cross. Lamancha bucks were hard to find where we live NW Ct so we had to breed her to a nubian. We now own a Lamancha buck named Jasper. Enjoy HAVE FUN!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Trimming Hooves


A few days ago I trimmed our goats hooves as they where getting a little long and I wanted to trim them before it got any colder out. I thought I would share some pictures with you.
The flock

Cleaning the hoof


                                                                         Have Fun!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Flooded Over

Photobucket It rained hard for almost two days this week. So when it stopped me and Manda decieded to go for a walk. But yes the boardwalk was flooded and Manda was not to pleased by the idea of getting wet so our walk was cut short. We did manage to get some pretty good pictures here are two I took before my camera died.Photobucket

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Family and More About Me

Left to Right Kenton, Michael (Katrina's Fiance) Katrina, Scottie, Natey, Merci, Alevia, Me, Amanda,(my fiance)and my Mom.

    I figured that I probably should share more about me because my 'about me' probably is not enough. I thought I would share some pictures of my siblings as well. First of all, I love animals, if you couldn't already tell from my blog so far ;). My blog will probably mostly about animals and pictures of the great outdoors.

    I used to breed and raise Tropical angelfish. Before I moved out, I had 13 fish tanks and several thousand dollars worth of fish. It was my largest passion since we moved from a hundred acre farm to just under three acres. So fish were pretty much the only animal I could really have seeing how there were no barns or fences for livestock. I currently just have one 55 gallon fish tank in my parent's living room. I now work full time and really don't have enough time to sink into a large fish breeding operation.

   I currently have rabbits, goats, ducks, and chickens. My goat is a purebred Lamancha Doe named Firefly. We should have baby goats within the next few months as we think two of our does are due in December or January.

   I currently spend most of my time working and hanging out with my fiance. I have 8 siblings ranging in age from 21 to 5. I posted a picture of me and the six youngest ones.

   Have Fun