Well we have three goats due in a week too two weeks. So I decided to share pictures of them with you. We were able to feel the kids in all three of them. Hopefully the weather will be warm when they are born it is supposed to get down to five tonight. Two of them Treasure and Firefly have had kids before it will be Clovers first time.
I these four guys this week. They are mail order fish I won them off aquabid. They where shipped two day and arrived healthy and ready to eat. They are smokey blushings two of them are veils. There genetics are S/S SM/+ and the veils are V/+.
So I love Craigslist some more. I picked up these two roosters for free this morning. One of my friends has been sending links to my phone that he thinks I might be interested in so thats how I got these guys. They are 8 month old light brahmas a nice dual purpose breed. I will probably sell one of them. All in all they are beautiful roosters.
My little Ragamuffin she is about eight months old and a very cute lionhead exactly what I am looking for in my lionheads I have her full sister and mother. I will probably breed her back to her full brother when he is old enough he is gray doesnt have much of a mane but definitely has long fur on his body. I will have to look for a new buck this year to get some new blood in and hopefully a new color. I currently have three adult lionhead does one adult mini lop female a young lionhead male and a english spot colored who knows what young buck
The buck
She's Beautiful
You can she her fur pattern here how it is short on her back
Jasper attempts to climb a tree in the pasture was he trying to get leaves or did he see my brother climbing the tree moments earlier
Silly Goat but we love ya