When the sun shines or it rains - the exciting and the boring of my life.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012



     Last week I picked up three beautiful Pekin ducks to add to my flock of Pekins. I already had a pair of them that I picked up as ducklings in February. They turned out to be a pair. So when I picked up these three I was thrilled to find out they are three females. We are hoping to get some eggs from them in the next few months so we can hatch a batch before the weather gets to cold. In the meantime they look beautiful on our pond.

    We currently have Guinea hen, Bantam, and Standard chicken eggs in the incubator. If you are interested in any chicks contact us. We are hatching chicks about every two weeks. Our email is isaiahjjenkins@yahoo.com

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Rough Week

  A rough week here at the farm. We lost our Lamancha buckling who was going to be a herd stud this fall. The temperatures were in the hundreds for three days and then dropped down to seventy. I don't now if he suffered from heat stroke but he died all of the sudden. He may have eaten something poisonous but we have never had any problems with the pasture he has been in and he wasn't out of that pasture. The three other kids are fine. The pasture is heavily shaded mostly woods.

The same night we lost the buck, something managed to break into our chicken coop and carried off seven chickens. We had been losing the occasional chicken; some during the day we had thought it was a stray dog but now I am leaning towards a fox. Seeing how all that was left were feathers, the chickens were all carried off.

Okay on a more positive note our Narragansett turkey hatched seven poults. She is doing a great job taking care of them leading them around the yard. They are Narragansett/Blue Slate cross. So enjoy the pics




Friday, June 8, 2012

LIL Turkey

Lil Peeper
Mom sitting on eggs
   We had some turkey eggs in the incubator from our Narragansett hen and our Blue Slate tom. Only one of them hatched but the hen is sitting on fifteen more eggs so hopefully most of those hatch. We raised Broad Breasted Bronze turkeys one year and hatched them. They weren't too bright; liked to sit in the road and eat anything including sockets from a socket set. These Heritage breed turkeys are a joy to have around they are friendly and smart and can forage for a good part of there diet.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Flock Update

Sumatra chick
The Sumatra chicks are growing really fast, I gave a few of them away. It looks like we have four hens and one rooster. They are always underfoot hoping for a hand out, some of the friendliest chickens I have ever had. I picked up four bantams. A pair of Americana's and two Buff Brahma roosters. We have some Americana/Light Brahma and Delaware/Light Brahma eggs in our incubator.

Buff Brahma Rooster